#Life Quotes #Soul Quotes #Needs Quotes
“What everyone underestimated was the acute unpopularity of the Taliban, even in the Pashtun areas. People like myself were saying the Taliban would be driven out very swiftly from the north of Afghanistan, but given that their main support base was in the Pashtun belt, there would be greater resistance there. That didn't happen. The Taliban had become deeply unpopular and were actually discarded by the Pashtun population almost as quickly as they were in the north. I don't see the Taliban coming back in any way.”
Source : Source: progressive.org
“I want them to come away with discovering the music inside them...”
“A historian can never claim to have the last word on anything as he is limited by his sources and further so by his viewpoint.”
Source : Ambeth R. Ocampo (2001). “Meaning and History: The Rizal Lectures”
“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.”
“Freedom is not an abstaction, nor is a little of it enough. A little more is not enough either. Having less, being less, empoverished in freedom and rights, women then invariably have less self-respect: less self-respect than any human being needs to live a brave and honest life.”
“Large corporate entities are more untrusted than trusted. And they've earned that by the way they've done things.”
“Who is his manager? Milton Bradley.”
“I'm more motivated, and I'm just working harder every single day, so it shows in the music, and it shows in the fan base, it shows in all areas when you're bringing it like that.”
Bess Streeter Aldrich Author
Elizabeth Prentiss Author
Henry Blackaby Author