Annalee Newitz
"Amphibians are dying out like crazy, and frogs and salamanders may be largely extinct by the end of the twenty-first century. Imagine an animal that begins its life in the water, but ends it on land - already, that's pretty weird. But, also, a lot of them are incredibly tiny and look wildly improbable. They have funny little toes, they stretch their throats into weird bubble shapes when they croak, and some of them are poisonous to the touch. I think kids from the twenty-second century might mythologize amphibians the way kids today mythologize dinosaurs." --
Source : Source: therumpus.net
Annalee Newitz
#Crazy Quotes
#Kids Quotes
#Thinking Quotes
“Purpose ... is held to be most closely connected with virtue, and to be a better token of our character than are even our acts.”
“I like a lot of glasses about -- it highers the tone.”
“The funny thing is that the studio that we recorded in was the same studio that Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole used to warm up their voices in before they went across the street to CBS Radio. The owner has preserved it exactly the way it was in 1925. It was such a perfect coincidence that we were doing music inspired by that stuff in that room. It was incredible.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“The trick is to fix the problem you have, rather than the problem you want.”
“IF you are not for yourself, who will be for you? If you are only for yourself, what are you? If not now, when?”
“I apologize for lying to you. I promise I won't deceive you except in matters of this sort.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Only when peace lives within each of us, will it live outside of us. We must be the wombs for a new harmony. When it is small, peace is fragile. Like a baby, it needs nurturing attention. We must protect peace from violence and perversion if it is to grow. We must be strong to do this. But force, even in the name of honor, is always tragic. Instead, we must use the strength of wisdom and conscience. Only that power can nurture peace in this difficult time.”
“I was around 15 when I first wanted to compete in an Olympics. I even remember the first time I got to wear a GB kit as a junior. I've even kept it. It's in my mum's loft somewhere, probably gone mouldy by now.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.