“I think that if you feel imaginatively towards a subject, you really shouldn't do it in a journalistic context, because then you're just fabricating, and that's crazy.”
Source : "Hilton Als, Constructing Genre". Interview with Christopher Bollen, www.interviewmagazine.com. November 5, 2013.
“Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now what's going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?”
“Don't settle for comfortable misery, a sad state where you're hanging on to what is most predictable and familiar at the risk of letting exciting opportunities pass you by.”
Source : Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.68, Crown Business
“If you don't encourage healthy sexual expression in public, you get unhealthy sexual expression in private. If you attempt to suppress sex in books, magazines, movies and even everyday conversation, you aren't helping to make sex more private, just more hidden. You're keeping sex in the dark. What we've tried to do is turn on the lights.”
Source : Interview with Larry Dubois, iplayboy.com. January 1, 1974.
“Some players need a boot up their backside. Other players need the arm”
“Being a man is the continuing battle for one's life. One loses a bit of manhood with every stale compromise to the authority of any power in which one does not believe.”
“If there are amazing graces on this earth, I believe that they are these good children sent to us by God and not yet soiled by the knowledge that their nation does not love them.”
“I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out.”