Source : "Rep. Saxby Chambliss: Anti-terrorism measures in the U.S". CNN Chat Room, October 2, 2001.
#Soil Quotes #Human Life Quotes #Terrorist Quotes
“My headshot is a scratch and sniff, it smells like failure and onions.”
“I never mingled with men, but I came home less of a man than I went out.”
“A degree on the wall, without labels on your back, is nothing.”
“Women were forbidden to study the most ancient sacred text, the Veda,”
Source : Wendy Doniger (2010). “The Hindus: An Alternative History”, p.36, Oxford University Press, USA
Jack Kingston
U.S. Representative
Jeff Sessions
United States Senator
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator
Max Cleland
Former American senator
Paul Broun
U.S. Representative
Phil Gingrey
Former U.S. Representative
Richard Burr
United States Senator
Sonny Perdue
Former Governor of Georgia
Zell Miller
American Politician