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#Actors Quotes #Firsts Quotes #First Time Quotes
“Scheele, it was said, never forgot anything if it had to do with chemistry. He never forgot the look, the feel, the smell of a substance, or the way it was transformed in chemical reactions, never forgot anything he read, or was told, about the phenomena of chemistry. He seemed indifferent, or inattentive, to most things else, being wholly dedicated to his single passion, chemistry. It was this pure and passionate absorption in phenomena-noticing everything, forgetting nothing-that constituted Scheele's special strength.”
“When Man evolved Pity, he did a queer thing - deprived himself of the power of living life as it is without wishing it to become something different.”
“It is sad that today many times people give up in the hard times and never get to enjoy the fruit of all their labor.”
“How could I have been the valedictorian, the smartest, and never known Harlem existed? As a result, I began a lifelong learning experience, because I could not accept what the party line was with education - that these people want to live like this, these people don't have ambition, they don't want to work. You know, all the usual bullshit.”
“The USDHEW calculates that 7% of all patients suffer compensable injuries while hospitalized .....One out of every five patients admitted to a typical research hospital acquires an iatrogenic (Caused by the treatment process) disease, one case in thirty leading to death. Half of these episodes result from complications of drug therapy; amazingly, one in ten come from diagnostic procedures.”
“I am not going to think about it. It was ugly, but it’s over, and I’m not going to think about it.”
“I think it's much more important to keep people in work than have pay rises.”
“The eyes are the nipples of the face.”
Danila Kozlovsky Film actor
Thomas Kretschmann Actor
Yuliya Snigir Actress