“Women are like those blinkin' little Greek islands, places to call at but not to stay.”
Source : Stacy Aumonier (1935). “Ups and downs: stories”
“Sometimes, there are no simple or easy solutions to gray area problems. Or, put differently, the "solution" is working intelligently, with many other people, for months or even years - guided by a basic direction and a few central values that really matter to you and others.”
Source : Source: bobmorris.biz
“I started Pilates. I'm the only guy in there. They plot before I get there: 'How can we make John look ridiculous?' Because every exercise involved my legs up, like I'm in the stirrups or something.”
“We all know people who are ridiculously famous, and it's a scary thing because all of the sudden people - even the people you are close to - stop being honest with you, stop telling you the truth.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“Wisdom and beauty form a very rare combination.”
“The germ of a story is a new and simple element introduced into an existing situation or mood.”
Source : Malcolm Cowley (1978). “And I worked at the writer's trade: chapters of literary history, 1918-1978”, Viking Adult
“If you succeed not, cast not away the quills yet, nor scratch the wainscot, beat not the poor desk, but bring all to the forge and file again; turn it new.”
“What's bad about my biography? My father was a worker, my brothers, too, and I have always honestly served my country.”
Source : "The 900 Days: The Siege Of Leningrad". Book by by Harrison E. Salisbury, p.112, 2003.