#Art Quotes #Kitsch Quotes #Cold Quotes
“I mean, what's better than having the person you love love you? That's pretty exciting. It's pretty amazing, actually. It's like a miracle or something…”
“But I think the other is a little more like bullfighting, a little more daring and although I appreciate good acting and I liked being versatile my whole career, it kept me working.”
Source : "Larry King Live", edition.cnn.com. June 19, 2005.
“I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room.”
Source : Raymond Chandler (2014). “The World of Raymond Chandler: In His Own Words”, p.100, Vintage
“Art is inspiring. Walking into a gallery, or when the lights go up on a stage; that thrill of getting something that has nothing to do with acquisition.”
“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
Source : John C. Maxwell (2001). “The Power of Leadership”, p.18, David C Cook
“It's always made me feel odd when I'd get a Dove Award for an instrumental album that has nothing to do with gospel. When I think of gospel music, I think of spreading the Good News with words. But maybe it's just because I was heralded once upon a time as one of theirs. The category of instrumental music seems sort of important to the big picture, but I felt a little embarrassed at the same time.”
“It was a universal truth among males that anytime you saw a guy get it in the nuts, you experienced a shot of phantom pain in your own croquet set. As Lassiter crouched beside the Brother’s pretzel of a body, he was feeling a little nauseous himself, and he took a moment to cup what hung between his legs—just to reassure the boys downstairs that however much of an iconoclast he was, some things were sacred.”
“It should be pointed out that none of Cardew's works ever gave total freedom to the performer. The instructions were a guide which focused each individual's creative instinct on a problem to be solved - how to interpret a particular system of notation using one's own musical background and attitudes.”