#Months Quotes #Firsts Quotes #Administration Quotes
Source : Anna Quindlen (2013). “Every Last One and Rise and Shine: Two Bestselling Novels”, p.229, Random House
Source : "Memoirs of Theophilus Parsons". Book by Theophilus Parsons, 1859.
“There are 49 guys that got bored to sleep on my record, so they got knocked out by it.”
“Nothing is ever cut-and-dried. There's anguish behind everything.”
Source : "Everybody Loves Rudd" by Rachael Combe, www.elle.com. August 12, 2011.
“Things bloosom in their time. They bud and bloom, blossom and fade. Everything in its time.”
“Youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms.”
Brian Williams
Chris Hayes
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
Television host
Joe Scarborough
Former United States Representative
Keith Olbermann
Sports commentator
Melissa Harris-Perry
Rachel Maddow
Thomas Roberts
Television journalist