“We're doing a great disservice to our young people because the only protection is abstinence, as condoms have been proven fallible. The federal government should not be telling young people to use condoms. It's also an insult to teenagers, reducing them to the level of a dog that can't control its hormones.”
Source : Washington Times, December 01, 1995.
“I just need time to catch my breath before you take it away again.”
Source : "Fictional character: Simone Deveraux". "Heroes" (TV Series), www.imdb.com. 2006–2010.
“Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.”
Source : FaceBook post by Michael W. Smith from Oct 20, 2010
“In my political career, I'd like to see a constitutional balanced budget amendment.”
Source : "Meet the Press" with David Gregory, www.nbcnews.com. October 17, 2010.
“Nothing is as easy or natural as consumer brands want us to think - no problem is as resolvable. Your hair will fall out, eventually. Yet we do have these brands, and we line our shelves with them. There's an inherent irony.”
Source : "Cartographer of Word Galaxies". The Believer interview, logger.believermag.com. September 24, 2013.
“The Berbers, among whom even today one finds light skins and blue eyes, do not go back to the Vandal invasions of the fifth century A.D., but to the prehistoric Atlantic Nordic human wave. The Kabyle huntsmen, for example, are to no small degree still wholly Nordic (thus the blond Berbers in the region of Constantine form 10Â % of the population; at Djebel Sheshor they are even more numerous).”
Source : "The Myth of the Twentieth Century". Book by Alfred Rosenberg, p. 6, 2004.
“Since Christ is the Word of God and the Truth of God, he may be received even by those who have not heard of his manifestation in the flesh... We have, therefore. the hope that even among the heathen there may be some, like Socrates, who, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit working through the truth of nature and conscience, have found the way of life and salvation.”
Source : Augustus Hopkins Strong (1907). “Systematic Theology: A Compendium and Commonplace Book Designed for the Use of Theological Students”
“I don't really expect much from my life. So when I heard my films are premiering in film festival circuits I was glad of course but I thought it was lucky accident.”
Source : "Takeshi Kitano: Silent superstar" by Dean Irvine, edition.cnn.com. October 23, 2008.