#Powerful Quotes #Past Quotes #Doors Quotes
“Thongs don't show. With jeans, you're always going to get panty lines and I think that's just a big mistake.”
“But go on, valiant champion; you die not as a fool, though the apostate, unfaithful, and lukewarm ministers and professors of this generation think and say so.”
“Sustainability: It's the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do, it's the profitable thing to do.”
“The author portrays himself in every line he writes and portrayal is always betrayal.”
“Simplicity is complexity resolved”
“Go forward, knowing that you are greater than the challenges of your time.”
“Trees have roots, Jews have legs.”
“The complete irresponsibility of man for his actions and his nature is the bitterest drop which he who understands must swallow.”
Eckhart Tolle Author
Nhat Hanh Monk
Ramana Maharshi