#Determined Quotes #Enjoy Quotes #Career Change Quotes
“If humanity has any hope of effecting real change for the better, it will not come from the Madison Avenue false reality makers who've cast Barack Obama as the savior of the world. To alter our course from tyranny to liberty, to defeat the corrupt elite, we must get past the puppets and confront the real power structure of the planet.”
“I'm not good at normal things. I can't drive a car. I couldn't read till I was 10.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“This was truly guerilla filmmaking. We shot out in the middle of nowhere in a place called Delta Flats, where basically every day was some new minor catastrophe.”
Source : Interview with Chris Neumer, www.stumpedmagazine.com.
“It is impossible that anything will be well understood or well done that is taken into a reluctant understanding, and executed with a servile hand.”
“I, as a human, do not become the power or love or wisdom of God; I merely contain Him who is all these, and everything.”
“Creativity sometimes needs the protection of darkness, of being ignored. That is very obvious in the natural tendency many artists and writers have not to show their paintings or writings before they are finished.”
“We must have our say, not through violence, aggression or fear. We must speak out calmly and forcefully. We shall only be able to enter the new world era if we agree to engage in dialogue with the other side.”
“The representative element in a work of art may or may not be harmful, but it is always irrelevant. For to appreciate a work of art, we must bring with us nothing from life, no knowledge of its affairs and ideas, no familiarity with its emotions.”
Bruce Vento Former United States Representative
Steve Elmendorf
Vin Weber