“man ... thinks of himself as a creator instead of a user, and this delusion is robbing him, not only of his natural heritage, but perhaps of his future.”
“I get the feeling a lot of politicians are there to help themselves financially, first and foremost. I don't really need to do that, and I thought if I could do something for sport in Scotland, that would be really fulfilling.”
Source : "Gordon Strachan: 'And people think I've got a problem with the press...'". Interview with Richard Rae, www.independent.co.uk. August 21, 2010.
“There is one quality more important than know-how.... This is know-how by which we determine not only how to accomplish our purposes, but what our purposes are to be.”
Source : Norbert Wiener (1988). “The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society”, p.183, Da Capo Press
“Perhaps the greatest challenge has been trying to keep my time to myself and my private life private in order to do my job. Everything that is most mine belongs to everyone now.”
“Time is like money, the less we have of it to spare the further we make it go.”
“We must look at ourselves over and over again in order to learn to love, to discover what has kept our hearts closed, and what it means to allow our hearts to open.”
“If there's a silence in a room I'll try to fill it as soon as humanly possible.”
“A set of ideas, a point of view, a frame of reference is in space only an intersection, the state of affairs at some given momentin the consciousness of one man or many men, but in time it has evolving form, virtually organic extension. In time ideas can be thought of as sprouting, growing, maturing, bringing forth seed and dying like plants.”