#Law Quotes #Needs Quotes #Limits Quotes
Source : John R. W. Stott (1985). “Involvement: Social and sexual relationships in the modern world”, Fleming H. Revell Company
“Well, I'm too old to pimp, and too young to die, so I'm just gonna keep playin'”
“People think you know beforehand when you win an Oscar - I can assure you you don't.”
“I don't want to make any huge decisions before I really know what I'm doing and am sure of myself.”
Source : "Thomas Horn's incredibly fast start to career". Interview with Jessica Zack, www.sfgate.com. January 15, 2012.
Bob Casey, Jr.
United States Senator
Jim Gerlach
U.S. Representative
Joe Manchin
United States Senator
Kelly Ayotte
United States Senator
Mark Kirk
United States Senator
Mike Fitzpatrick
U.S. Representative
Richard Burr
United States Senator
Rob Portman
United States Senator
Roy Blunt
United States Senator