“Thus Carol hit upon the tragedy of old age, which is not that it is less vigorous than youth, but that it is not needed by youth...”
“God bless little children while they're still too young to hate.”
Source : Song: Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine
“I tour with a piano, actually. Luckily I am able to hire people that deal with it completely and magically a piano appears on stage and then magically disappears when I leave”
Source : Interview with Spence D., www.ign.com. December 1, 2004.
“I am somehow allowed by the universe to do exactly what I want to do to make a living.”
Source : "Kyle Kinane, The Death Of The Party, Comes To D.C". Interview with Brandon Wetherbee, www.huffingtonpost.com. August 23, 2012.
“I do think there's a smaller audience that's looking for something that's a little more adult and a little more nuanced [than many Hollywood movies]. At the same time, I think everyone who's making movies hopes to appeal to the widest audience possible.”
Source : Source: editorial.rottentomatoes.com
“I have loved badly, loved the great Too soon, withdrawn my words too late; And eaten in an echoing hall Alone and from a chipped plate The words that I withdrew too late.”
“Whatever people may say, the fastidious formal manner of the upper classes is preferable to the slovenly easygoing behaviour of the common middle class. In moments of crisis, the former know how to act, the latter become uncouth brutes.”
“Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt.”
Source : George Sewell (1719). “The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. [In Five Acts and in Verse.]”, p.4