#Passion Quotes #Rocks Quotes #Trouble Quotes
“We live in a dark and romantic and quite tragic world.”
“Muslims insult all other religions. The Quran is an insult to the Jews, the Christians and everyone else. It calls the Jews apes, pigs and rats. All the non-believers are najis (filthy, impure) and hell bond. The Quran even instructs the Muslims to fight the unbelievers, chop their fingertips, behead them, crucify them and deal with them harshly. 5:33, 9:14, 9:73 However, Muslims went berserk when a Danish Newspaper published a few cartoons of Muhammad.”
Source : Source: myislam.dk
“I thought that, given the system of rewards central to our economic system, in which profit maximization is valued above all else and specifically above life, it is probably just as irresistible to the owners of capital (human or otherwise) to exploit workers (and the land): "Nothing personal," they say as they load their property onto the ship bound for the Middle Passage, "but a man's gotta turn a dime.”
“For the state of our union to be strong, we need to place value in Americans.”
“Are you afraid of me? Uh... yes.' The smile stayed fixed in place. 'You should be. You locked me in a refrigerator truck with three dead people. Sooner or later I'm going to get you for it.”
“It is just flipping unbelievable. He is a mixture of Harry Houdini and a greased piglet. He is barely human in his elusiveness. Nailing Blair is like trying to pin jelly to a wall.”
“I look at Liv Tyler and think 'It's not fair', because I can't find a flaw on her. And on top of that she seems nice, so it's really not fair.”
“Research by the Keller Fay Group finds that only 7 percent of word-of-mouth happens online.”
Ludwig Lewisohn Novelist
William Campbell Gault Writer