Source : "Surfing the Tao : A Revolution of Free Will". Book by Angela V. Michaels, 2004.
#Believe Quotes #Political Quotes
“I've had a wonderful life with music,”
“There is a class system in acting just like in anything else. Black females fall in a category below black male actors.”
“That I make poetry and give pleasure - if I give pleasure - are because of you.”
“Marian Palaia is a writer of startling grace and sensuous lyricism - reading her, you feel as if you've never heard language this beautiful and this true.”
“So when you feel this time approaching, and your comfort zones in view. Stop and think about what you're feeling, and see if what you're feeling is true.”
“To be a working actor in England is a life. I think it's harder in this country. Either you are a superstar or a starving actor.”
“Devotion to you, O Blessed Virgin, is a means of salvation which God gives to those whom he wishes to save.”
“I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do - amongst the pine trees, dirt roads, farms, mules and people who were real.”
Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Hitler Former Chancellor of Germany
Eva Mozes Kor
Heinrich Himmler
Hermann Goring
Joseph Goebbels German Politician
Reinhard Heydrich
Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hoss