Source : "IMF Managing Director Discusses Organization’s Role". "PBS NewsHour" with Jim Lehrer, August 5, 2004.
#Country Quotes #Mean Quotes #Effort Quotes
“I have a 20-year-old son, I have a 12-year-old son and I'm so afraid for them,”
“Hoc solum deliqui, quod uiuo. My only fault is that I am alive.”
Source : c.1181 On the refusal of many of his contemporaries to believe that his Dissuasio Valerii ad Rufinum could have been composed by a modern writer. De Nugis Curialium, Distinction 4, ch.5.
Source : Source:
“As a historian I refuse to recognize an epochal boundary before the fact.”
Christine Lagarde
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Former Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment of France
Francisco Franco
Former Prime Minister of Spain
Horst Kohler
Former President of Germany
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Former Prime Minister of Spain
Jose Maria Aznar
Former Prime Minister of Spain
Luis de Guindos
Spanish Politician
Mariano Rajoy
Prime Minister of Spain
Nicolas Sarkozy
Former President of France