#World Quotes #Want Quotes
“You may obey a leader who has power and authority, but you will not strive to serve her or the cause of the organization unless you respect and care for her in addition to the ones with whom you serve.”
“The slightest acquaintance with history shows that powerful republics are the most warlike and unscrupulous of nations.”
“It is the ultimate wisdom of the mountains that a man is never more a man than when he is striving for what is beyond his grasp.”
“I don't know if there's anything that would surprise people, because I don't think that anybody knows anything about me at all. There's not much out there. I think I'm going to come out with a pretty dark and troubled record, and it might upset some people.”
“A man doesn't need to be flawless to be a perfect father, but the commitment to his family is a precious responsibility.”
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.”
“If you know two languages, the level of your intelligence is multiplied a hundredfold in other people's eyes.”
“No storyteller has been able to dream up anything as fantastically unlikely as what really does happen in this mad Universe.”
Joe Maddon Baseball Manager
Manny Ramirez Baseball player