#Embarrassing Quotes #Spots Quotes
Source : "Book World: 'The Bridge at the Edge of the World'". Live chat, www.washingtonpost.com. April 29, 2008.
“Like my mother before me, I have always been a good speller.”
Source : George Albert Wells (1991). “Belief and make-believe: critical reflections on the sources of credulity”, Open Court Pub Co
Edith Roosevelt
Former First Lady of the United States
Florence Harding
Former First Lady of the United States
Harry S. Truman
33rd U.S. President
Lady Bird Johnson
Former First Lady of the United States
Lou Henry Hoover
Former First Lady of the United States
Margaret Truman Daniel
Martha Washington
Former First Lady of the United States
Pat Nixon
Former First Lady of the United States
Mamie Eisenhower
Former First Lady of the United States