Edward Robb Ellis
"Today I arrived by train in New York City, which I'd never seen before, walked through the grandeur of Grand Central Terminal, stepped outside, got my first look at the city and instantly fell in love with it. Silently, inside myself, I yelled: I should have been born here!" --
Source : Edward Robb Ellis, Pete Hamill (1996). “A Diary of the Century: Tales from America's Greatest Diarist”, Kodansha Amer Incorporated
Edward Robb Ellis
#New York Quotes
#Should Have Quotes
#Cities Quotes
“As a general thing, I have not 'duped the world' nor attempted to do so... I have generally given people the worth of their money twice told.”
“Except I think it feels more like an empty stomach than a broken heart. An aching hollowness that food can't cure. You know. You've felt it yourself, I bet. You hurt all the time, you're restless, you can't think straight, you sort of wish you were dead but what you really want is for everything to be the same as it was when you were still with her.. or him”
“Jazz isn't like pop, where you sell millions of records with a hit. Your spirit and soul aren't important in pop music. But jazz is like classical music. If people like you, they'll remember you and you'll last forever.”
“All in Dali is indeed contrived, a brilliant illustration of his own psyche as he understands it, as opposed to how it truly may have been.”
“Their tongues met, starving, two years without this delicious meal. They kissed and kissed and kissed. The joining of their mouths was more intense than that night on the ferry. This was a kiss of reunion. Of forgiveness. Of coming home.”
“I don't like it when a girl tries too hard to act cute or pretty.”
“I believe that every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises.”
“Every once in a while, someone will mail me a single popcorn kernel that didn't pop. I'll get out a fresh kernel, tape it to a piece of paper and mail it back to them.”
Source : Source: www.movieweb.com