“Venereal: From Venus, the goddess of love, this word refers to the reality of desire. With the rise of Protestantism and science, the word disease was tacked on in a revealing combination of categorization and moralizing. Which disease? The disease of love.”
“Usually I think if there is something imperfect in a photograph it makes the picture more real. Photographs that are slick, smooth, and imperfect seem less honest to me.”
Source : John Loengard (1987). “Pictures under discussion”, Amphoto Books
“Later, I began to succeed in decisive games. Perhaps because I realized a very simple truth: not only was I worried, but also my opponent”
“The fan support isn't the biggest but they're very loyal and very supportive. It's a very good group of fans and I enjoy playing in front of them.”
Source : Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“Everything that you've been thru, God's going to use it for the betterment of your future!”
“Violent passions are formed in solitude. In the busy world no object has time to make a deep impression.”
“I believe if you’re going to bomb someone you should know them first. It should hurt when you kill someone.”
“I don't want to go to the future. I'm scared of the future!”
Source : "Nashville's Chris Carmack on The O.C. and the rules of the death row meal". Interview with Marah Eakin, tv.avclub.com. September 22, 2015.