“It makes no difference whether you worship God, Jehovah, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, Christ or Krishna- it is still and always one and the same God.”
“If a cricketer suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, are you going to ban cricket bats?”
“Truth must the guide of those who hold the power; but humility is their sign, the promise that their privileges are in safe hands.”
Source : "Speaking Of Canada" by Vincent Massey. Address at the Convocation of the University of British Columbia, May 18, 1954, 1959.
“I could work 24 hours and I wouldn't complain once because I'm happiest when I'm working.”
“South Korea are pushing for a stronger way to isolate and punish North Korea for its latest nuclear test.”
Source : "North Korea Claims It Has U.S. Student In Custody". "Morning Edition" with Renee Montagne, www.npr.org. January 22, 2016.
“I'll tell you how I handle stress. I say-This too shall pass. You've got to try to stay cool and admit when you're wrong, and tell them when you're right.”
“Water, whether still or in motion, has so great an attraction for the lover of nature, that the most beautiful landscape seems scarcely complete without it. There are no effects so fascinating as those produced by the reflexions in nature's living mirror, with their delicacy of form, ever fleeting and changing, and their subtle combinations of colour.”
“One newspaper even published one of my nude paintings - the one of me naked from the waste up.”