“There is another side to me which people don't often see, but it's very hard for me to show that. When I do interviews, I'm talking to people I don't know and when you speak to a stranger you don't open up, do you? In my position, people are always looking for something to say about me. And anything I do say, given half-a-chance they'll turn it round into something spectacular so I've got to be very careful. That's why it's only my friends and family who know the real me. Now my wife, Lainya, she could tell you a few stories.”
Source : Interview with Dr. Stephen Edelson, www.autism.com. February 1, 1996.
“Germany calling! Germany Calling!”
Source : Habitual introduction to propaganda broadcasts to Britain during the Second World War
“Our ministry is debt free and we have not had to beg or plead for finances.”
“By our form of Government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing, and are equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty.”
“Everything we've been taught about health, weight loss and aging is wrong.”
“Let's crowd source, curate, and add royalties to books”
“I frankly encountered more anti-Semitism in the northeast than I did in Oklahoma, but not much either place. Anti-Semitism is not part of my life.”
Source : "O Brother Who Art Thou? A Q&A With Actor/Writer/Director Tim Blake Nelson". Interview with Jonathan Valania, www.huffingtonpost.com. April 03, 2013.
“Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn is not to be attached to the results of your actions.”