“Man, he is constantly growing and when he is bound by a set pattern of ideas or way of doing things, that's when he stops growing”
“Give God what's right, not what's left!”
“the relentless touring and endless repetition of the same songs over and over again promoted a creeping awareness that my music had begun to sound like my washing machine.”
“Epistemology now flourishes with various complementary approaches. This includes formal epistemology, experimental philosophy, cognitive science and psychology, including relevant brain science, and other philosophical subfields, such as metaphysics, action theory, language, and mind. It is not as though all questions of armchair, traditional epistemology are already settled conclusively, with unanimity or even consensus. We still need to reason our way together to a better view of those issues.”
“My favorite pudding is good old English apple pie.”
“Building my career hasn't been attached to my dad. It's been me figuring things out for myself.”
Source : "A conversation with recording artist and The Voice contestant Anthony Evans". Interview With Chad Bonham, www.beliefnet.com.
“These are tough and unusual times and I don't see the negative global economic situation abating anytime soon.”
Source : "3M Plans to Cut 1,000 More Jobs". www.foxnews.com. January 18, 2002.
“Here's what I don't think works: An economic system that was founded in the 16th century and another that was founded in the 19th century. I'm tired of this discussion of capitalism and socialism; we live in the 21st century; we need an economic system that has democracy as its underpinnings and an ethical code.”