“I am a boring looking guy with a common face, ugly scars and a toothy smile.”
“The best leaders... almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols.”
“A thousand deaths would still be less than he deserves.”
“The very condition of Woman is so subject to Hazard, so complex, and so grievous, that to place her at one moment is but to displace her at the next.”
“The Quran says nothing about the veil, except for an injunction to veil the bosom, which is obvious. As for the face, Muhammad's wife Khadijeh never wore the veil, nor did the other wives of the Prophet after Khadijeh died. [...] The ulema have twisted the Quran with their hadith, always twisting it toward those in power, until the message Muhammad laid out so clearly, straight from God, has been reversed, and good Muslim women are made like slaves again, or worse.”
Source : "The Years of Rice and Salt". Book by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2002.
“If I do something for a public space, it's not something that I have in my head and go, "Oh that's a good location. I should put it here." That for me never exists. When I see the site, then I have an idea that is new and I would never do unless it's there. It's the space or the people there, which will give me the idea.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.”
“A view of heaven from a seat in hell.”
Source : Steven Callahan (2002). “Adrift: Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea”, p.96, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt