“The street and me is a love story. 1971 is a great date because, finally, fashion took to the street.”
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer showed the whole world, and an entire sprawling industry, that writing monsters and demons and end-of-the-world is not hack-work, it can challenge the best. Joss Whedon raised the bar for every writer - not just genre/niche writers, but every single one of us.”
Source : "Mindy Newell: It Was Twenty Years Ago Today…". www.comicmix.com. April 3, 2017.
“Love is not lust. The two (love and lust) are poles apart. Love liberates while lust binds.”
Source : "A Practical Guide to Samadhi". Book by Swami Narayanananda, p. 144 (2001 edition), 1957.
“Conversion must mean more than just being a 'card-carrying' member of the church with a tithing receipt, a membership card, a temple recommend, etc. It means to overcome the tendencies to criticize and to strive continually to improve inward weaknesses and not merely the outward appearances.”
“It was the nature of our relationship to be lusty and emotional, earthy and raw. The trust that held us together also opened us up to each other in ways that made us both vulnerable and dangerous. And it would get worse before it got better.”
“Our criminal justice system has swallowed up too many people I love.”
“I'm so personally attached to all the characters I met and photographed over the years ... the anthology is like a photographic reliquary that could potentially preserve their grace, fierce joy, and restlessness.”
Source : Source: www.cnn.com
“Nature's first great title--mind.”
Source : Richard Dagley, George Croly (1822). “Gems: Principally from the Antique”, p.23