Source : "Q&A: Lincoln Chafee". Mother Jones Interview, September/October, 2008.
Lincoln Chafee#Administration Quotes #Born Quotes
“It is no use running; to set out betimes is the main point.”
Source : Wilder Dwight Bancroft (1926). “Applied Colloid Chemistry, General Theory”
“A Dalit needs Jupiter's escape velocity to achieve success.”
Source : Anna Julia Cooper (1990). “A Voice From the South”, p.78, Oxford University Press
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
Donald L. Carcieri
Former Governor of Rhode Island
George Pataki
Former Governor of New York
Jim Webb
Former United States Senator
John Chafee
Former Governor of Rhode Island
Lawrence Lessig
Political activist
Lindsey Graham
United States Senator
Sheldon Whitehouse
United States Senator
Martin O'Malley
Governor of Maryland