#Running Quotes #Children Quotes #Writing Quotes
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”
Source : Havelock Ellis (1973). “Affirmations”, Milford House Publishing Company
“I love the characters I've had the opportunity to play.”
“I got through college realizing business was repugnant.”
“So-called "inspiration" is no more than an extreme example of a process which constantly goes on in the minds of all of us.”
“I have not had any of that surgical stuff. I am too curious to find out exactly how I progress every day of my life naturally. That is what fascinates me.”
“God's mercy is fresh and new every morning.”
“Fables take off from the severity of instruction, and enforce it at the same time that they conceal it.”
“No more photos. Surely there are enough. No more shadows of myself thrown by light onto pieces of paper, onto squares of plastic. No more of my eyes, mouths, noses, moods, bad angles. No more yawns, teeth, wrinkles. I suffer from my own multiplicity. Two or three images would have been enough, or four, or five. That would have allowed for a firm idea: This is she. As it is, I'm watery, I ripple, from moment to moment I dissolve into my other selves. Turn the page: you, looking, are newly confused. You know me too well to know me. Or not too well: too much.”
Guillaume Apollinaire Poet
Julien Torma Writer
Pierre Reverdy Poet
Tristan Tzara Poet