“This ain't a war... It's a goddam whorehouse.”
“The middle classes shouldn’t be getting tax cuts, while those in tough, poorly paid jobs, who are already running out of money at the start of the month, are getting their benefits cut. That’s not one-nation conservatism; it’s two nations conservatism.”
“I and others of my sex find ourselves controlled by a form of government in the inauguration of which we had no voice.”
Source : Victoria Claflin Woodhull (1974). “The Victoria Woodhull Reader”, Weston, Mass. : M&S Press
“In North America, the medium-to-large publishers are generally confining investment to enhancements, upgrades and opportunities for incremental capacity and efficiency improvements, while among the smaller newspapers, there continues to be interest in systems that can provide a significant boost in production capabilities.”
Source : "Eric Bell is Director of Marketing Services at Goss International". Interview with Charlotte Janischewski, www.wan-ifra.org. October 13, 2011.
“There is nothing worse than a man in the throws of an ether bender.”
“Bolton are an established team in the Premiership these days and well respected by the other sides.”
“You'd be surprised how addicting high self-esteem is.”
“Of the Black Prince [his son] at Crécy, 1345: Let the boy win his spurs. [Old English] Also say to them, that they suffre hym this day to wynne his spurres, for if god be pleased, I woll this iourney be his, and the honoure therof.”