“Free curiosity is of more value than harsh discipline.”
“We can either save the planet from catastrophic warming, or protect fossil fuel CEOs. Not both. Do the math(s)”
“Constructing passive sentences is a way of concealing your own testicles.”
Source : "Fictional character: Dr. Ernesto Morales". "The Treatment", www.imdb.com. 2006.
“So "Embrace Of The Serpent" is told from the points of view and in the languages of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. He [Guerra] went there before shooting began, with a script written mostly in Spanish.”
Source : "'Serpent' Film Explores, Revives Lost Cultural Knowledge For Colombians". "Weekend Edition Sunday" with Tom Cole, www.npr.org. February 21, 2016.
“Decaf is like masturbating with an oven mitt!”
“Begin with little things daily and one day you will be doing things that months back you would have thought impossible.”
“Before you can move in new directions, you must first let go of what's not working for you.”
“If it feels like your life has become a nasty, brackish puddle of water, never forget that you do possess the power to transform it into a beautiful, rushing stream that will carry you to enlightenment.”