#War Quotes #Enemy Quotes #Surprise Quotes
“I'm only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don't care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I'll fight for the ministry.”
“You need to screw up to learn. You need to experience to create greatness.”
“Visualization lets you concentrate on all the positive aspects of your game.”
“Jesus is more than a friend. He is a teacher of truth and life who shows us the way that leads to happiness.”
“It's not about how much movement you do, how much interaction there is, it just reeks of credibility if it's real. If it's contrived, it seems to work for a while for the people who can't filter out the real and unreal.”
“We might possess every technological resource... but if our language is inadequate, our vision remains formless, our thinking and feeling are still running in the old cycles, our process may be 'revolutionary' but not transformative.”
“I think its time to get a reapportionment process that frankly takes out the incumbency protection and the raw politics of the process.”
“I think comedy is one of the hardest things to do.”
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ishida Mitsunari Samurai
Takeda Shingen Daimyo
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Daimyo