#Government Quotes #Self Quotes #Law Quotes
“A blessing on the printer's art!-- Books are the mentors of the heart.”
“Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side even when hundreds are against you.”
“Families fighting childhood cancer should not have to worry about where they're going to get the next dose of the drug they need to save their child's life.”
“The LORD is the help of my life”
“The autumn hill gathers the remaining light, A flying bird chases after its companion. The green color is bright And brings me into the moment, like a sunset mist that has no fixed place.”
“Budgets are moral documents. Federal funding should reflect the priorities and the values of the majority of the American people.”
“Perhaps preachers today need to think about the assumptions that are common in their congregation - the plausibilities and comforting assurances - which may in themselves have biblical truth, but can easily become insurance policies waved around as immunity from any kind of serious evaluation of how we are living, whether we are truly following the Lord Jesus in the way he walked, whether we are doing righteousness and justice as God commanded.”
Source : Source: www.patheos.com
“The real love is to love them that hate you, to love your neighbor even though you distrust him.”
Alister E. McGrath Theologian
Archibald Alexander
Archibald Alexander Hodge
B. B. Warfield
Geerhardus Vos
Herman Bavinck
James Henley Thornwell Writer
John Gresham Machen
Louis Berkhof