“L.A. is still such a fascinating place to me, so big and diverse. It's so spread out that you can go from Zuma to downtown and there's really like 10 different towns in between.”
“Somewhere deep down we know that in the final analysis, we do decide things and that even our decisions to let someone else decide are really our decisions, however pusillanimous.”
Source : "On Not Leaving It to the Snake". Book by Harvey Cox, 1967.
“It is absurd to think that a man can believe in Christ, with his heart, and it not have a radical affect on the rest of his life.”
“Unfortunately I don't have my grandparents, but Mum and I are working quite well together. That's candid, that's frank. Your grandmother is never going to lie to you.”
Source : Interview with Emma Brown, www.interviewmagazine.com. October 22, 2015.
“If it went on the ballot in Colorado, I would vote to lower the drinking age.”
Source : "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert, www.nbcnews.com. October 10, 2004.
“They can’t collect legal taxes from illegal money.”
“Pilots are so hard because you have to introduce all these characters, you have to hook an audience, and an audience has such a smaller attention span than maybe they used to have.”
Source : "Talking Schmidt: Why We're Rooting for New Girl's Max Greenfield at the Emmy's". Interview with Bruce Handy an Juli Weiner, www.vanityfair.com. September 20, 2012.
“You aren't learning anything when you're talking.”