#Political Quotes #Insanity Quotes #Minorities Quotes
“Gather up your pity and turn it to ambition.”
Source : Song: I C U When U Get There
Source : Anita Renfroe (2005). “The Purse-Driven Life: It Really Is All about Me”, Navpress Publishing Group
“Four key words--helped make my dreams come true. They are: dedication, balance, risk, and love.”
Source : Bonnie Blair (1996). “A Winning Edge”, p.5, Taylor Trade Publishing
“You want to fly in jets, and I just want to fly" -Baby Carlyle”
“He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.”
“My mother bought a piano, put it in the front room, and I just started writing my songs.”
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
David Harsanyi
David Limbaugh
Eleanor Clift
Joshua Michael Stern
Film director
Robert Scheer
Steve Rubel
Richard Edelman