“You can do it if you believe you can.”
“The religious situation of our people is very unstable. This is because of the lack of religious teachers and other dedicated people. As a result Fiji Indians are like an unsteady boat in a whirlpool.”
Source : "My Twenty-One Years in the Fiji Islands". Book by Totaram Sanadhya, 1991.
“Instead of this fruitless debate about having it all, men and women should focus on what make us happy. Instead of comparing our lives with people we don't know who are making sacrifices we don't see, we should try to find the right balance between home and work life.”
Source : "Men don't have it all either" by LZ Granderson, www.cnn.com. March 13, 2013.
“If we accept that we have at least an iota of free will, we cannot throw it back the moment things go wrong. Like a human parent, God will help us when we ask for help, but in a way that will make us more mature, more real, not in a way that will diminish us.”
“The study of tavern history often brings to light much evidence of sad domestic changes. Many a cherished and beautiful home, rich in annals of family prosperity and private hospitality, ended its days as a tavern.”
Source : Alice Morse Earle (2016). “Stage-coach and Tavern Days”, p.40, Library of Alexandria
“I don't really work out. I eat a lot of sweets. I have chocolate all over my house.”
“The condition of women in Islamic societies as a whole is also far from desirable. However, we should acknowledge that there are differences. In certain countries, the conditions are much better and in others much worse.”
Source : Interview with Amitabh Pal, progressive.org. September 1, 2004.
“I just kind of understood it, and I threw my love for others and love for life into the character, and was having a blast. I loved playing Dharma. I loved it!”