“I am a charity campaigner.”
“And so, you know, you can be - and I hope that I am - a thinking Muslim.”
“Girl, when he gives you kisses twain, use one, and let the other stay; And hoard it, for moons die, red fades, and you may need a kiss—some day.”
Source : Ridgely Torrence (1900). “The House of a Hundred Lights”
“To be embraced, a change effort must be socially constructed in a process that gives everyone the right to set priorities, diagnose barriers , and generate options.”
“Choice of evils debates always produce extremism - people choose what they hope is the lesser evil, then call it good and demonize the other choice. It will be a challenge for your generation to synthesize - to move beyond Us versus Them, to We.”
“I realized that there is something else that is influencing people to behave like that, and that's the taking of the souls away from God. If you get people to sin, they get pushed further away from God and eventually God doesn't really own the soul anymore. The Devil owns the soul and that's where the danger comes in. Because in the end, there's no do-overs.”
“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
Source : James Herriot (2012). “Vet in Harness”, p.82, Pan Macmillan
“We need a break from Capitalism,”
Source : "Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant’s SOTU response: ‘We need a break from capitalism’". Response to the State of the Union address, www.rawstory.com. January 29, 2014.