Source : "Meet a Critic: Richard Roeper". Interview with Jen Yamato, December 5, 2007.
“People say it is part of the game. You win some, you lose some. But not for me.”
“One whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a roar of discontent”
Source : Julie Garwood (2011). “The Secret”, p.234, Penguin
“I don't like being negative to people who are so nice to me.”
“The lot of critics is to be remembered by what they failed to understand.”
Anne Boleyn
Marquess of Pembroke
Catherine of Aragon
Francis Drake
Henry VIII of England
King of England
King James I
Former King of England
Mary, Queen of Scots
Former Queen of Scotland
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Victoria
Former Queen regnant
Walter Raleigh