“Once we thought a few hundred corpses would be enough then we saw thousands were still too few and today we can't even count all the dead Everywhere you look.”
Source : Peter Weiss (1998). “Marat/Sade ; The Investigation ; and The Shadow of the Body of the Coachman”, p.51, A&C Black
“The Pink Panther wasn't shown to the press for reasons that soon became apparent when I saw it at a public performance. Two people (20 per cent of the audience) laughed; one was Chinese, the other, whom I couldn't see, might have been an escaped hyena. This laughless francophobic comedy stars its co-scriptwriter, Steve Martin, in what is, by my reckoning, his eighth lousy remake since 1989.”
Source : "The Pink Panther" by Philip French, www.theguardian.com. March 18, 2006.
“Education is still, in spite of private education, a state matter.”
Source : Source: www.minneapolisfed.org
“Everyone asks me 'how it feels to fly.' It feels like riding in a high powered automobile, minus bumping over the rough roads, continually signaling to clear the way and keeping a watchful on the speedometer to see that you do not exceed the speed limit and provoke the wrath of the bicycle policeman or the covetous constable.”
“Most important thought, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.”
“President Obama said that he designed ObamaCare after RomneyCare, and basically made it ObamneyCare.”
Source : "Pawlenty Admits Debate Mistake, Calls Romneycare and Obamacare 'Nearly Identical'". "The Hannity Show", www.foxnews.com. June 16, 2011.
“If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the shedding of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin.”
“The difference between a republic and an empire is the loyalty of one's army”