“Sometimes children do forget their filial responsibilities.”
“My favorite band was The Band, and nobody compares in my mind with The Band.”
“We think of immigration as a Western issue but, of course, it isn't.”
Source : "Talk Asia" with Anjali Rao, edition.cnn.com. April 24, 2007.
“And in that Heaven of all their wish, there shall be no more land, say fish”
Source : 'Heaven' (1915)
“Investment banking has, in recent years, resembled a casino, and the massive scale of gambling losses has dragged down traditional business and retail lending activities as banks try to rebuild their balance sheets. This was one aspect of modern financial liberalisation that had dire consequences.”
Source : "The Storm ... how to survive it (and how to prevent its return)" by Vince Cable, www.theguardian.com. March 24, 2009.
“At an early school, when I was about 5, they asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Everyone said silly things, and I said I wanted to be an actress. So that was what I wanted to be, but what I was, of course, was a writer.”
“I mean, if you love what you do-whether you're an auto mechanic or you sew clothes or you cook-it's all about personal passion and love that really makes the thrust to the level that you want to get it to.”
“We are no more free agents than the queen of clubs when she victoriously takes prisoner the knave of hearts.”