“I call on men and boys everywhere to join us. Violence against women and girls will not be eradicated until all of us - men and boys - refuse to tolerate it.”
“Small mistakes, the lack of care, little accidents, and somewhere a tipping point is passed and things go badly wrong. Expedition history brims with tragedies built out of incremental missteps.”
“For men tied fast to the absolute, bled of their differences, drained of their dreams by authoritarian leeches until nothing but pulp is left, become a massive, sick Thing whose sheer weight is used ruthlessly by ambitious men. Here is the real enemy of the people: our own selves dehumanized into the masses. And where is the David who can slay this giant?”
“Surely 't is better, when summer is over To die when all fair things are fading away.”
Source : Thomas Haynes Bayly (1844). “Songs, Ballads, and Other Poems”, p.55
“When scientific conversations cease, then dogma rather than knowledge begins to rule the day.”
Source : Jaak Panksepp, Lucy Biven (2012). “The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions”, p.401, W. W. Norton & Company
“A great teacher is one who realizes that he himself is also a student and whose goal is not dictate the answers, but to stimulate his students' creativity enough so that they go out and find the answers themselves.”
“Liberalism is the party of upstarts who have insinuated themselves between the people and its big men. Liberals feel themselves as isolated individuals, responsible to nobody. They do not share the nation’s traditions, they are indifferent to its past and have no ambition for its future. They seek only their own personal advantage in the present. Their dream is the great International, in which the differences of peoples and languages, races and cultures will be obliterated.”
Source : Arthur Moeller Van Den Bruck (2012). “Germany's Third Empire”, p.82, Arktos
“Suddenly a mist fell from my eyes and I knew the way I had to take.”
Source : Edvard Grieg, Richard Yates (2010). “Edvard Grieg: 16 Lyric Pieces”, p.22, Mel Bay Publications