#Heart Quotes #Mind Quotes #Taoism Quotes
“God…is the center of all selves.”
“Nature has laid out all her art in beautifying the face; she has touched it with vermilion, planted in it a double row of ivory, made it the seat of smiles and blushes, lighted it up and enlivened it with the brightness of the eyes, hung it on each side with curious organs of sense, given it airs and graces that cannot be described, and surrounded it with such a flowing shade of hair as sets all its beauties in the most agreeable light.”
“Please try not to be such a wiener-head.”
“The Iranians know they hold high cards because of oil.”
“The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.”
“THOUGH you are in your shining days, Voices among the crowd And new friends busy with your praise, Be not unkind or proud, But think about old friends the most: Time's bitter flood will rise, Your beauty perish and be lost For all eyes but these eyes.”
“Of course, I do not regret the Bond days. I regret that sadly heroes in general are depicted with guns in their hands, and to tell the truth, I have always hated guns and what they represent.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“I feel like I'm witnessing the systematic destruction of a people's ability to survive. It's horrifying.”