“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.”
“I have a full grown, semi-nude man bound with duct tape in my truck and I was trying to get out to the desert to bury him. How do I get to 5 South?”
Source : "Jackass". Action, Comedy, Reality-TV, www.imdb.com. (2000–2002).
“Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone's personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them.”
Source : "Natalie Portman--Cluttered and Loving It". Interview with Ted Demme, Ingrid Sischy, www.oocities.org. March 1996.
“I don't think people want to see me as a regular guy; besides, I'm a regular guy in real life. I guess I just want to be reckless in my work.”
“A large movement covers a small movement”
“One of our neighbors is a salami distributor, and they pretty well - I mean, we used their salami to make a rocket engine out of. They just look at us and they're amused, they're fine with it.”
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“I got out of Las Vegas after high school. I knew that if I stayed there, I wouldn't have been able to pursue my dreams as an actor or dancer. My family always told me to dream big, so I made sure that I got out of there and explored new places, because the world is huge. And I'm still learning new things every day in this business and in my life.”
Source : Source: aalbc.com
“All punishments by which the human body might be maimed are barbarbarism.”