#World Quotes #Fats Quotes
“I think I was born because my parents had two boys and wanted to give it one more go and try for a girl... they got me instead.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“Self-love knows no impediment.”
“It must be remembered that the sea is a great breeder of friendship. Two men who have known each other for twenty years find that twenty days at sea bring them nearer than ever they were before, or else estrange them.”
“I'd rather be in Las Vegas 104 degrees than New York 90 degrees, you know why? Legalized prostitution. In any weather that takes the edge off.”
“I wish," he said, "I had known at eighteen what I know now - that there are some things on which one does not compromise.”
“May this continent, the last explored by humankind, be the first one to be spared by humankind.”
“There's been more written about Lincoln than movies made about him or television portraying him. He's kind of a stranger to our industry, to this medium. You have to go back to the 1930s to find a movie that's just about Abraham Lincoln. I just found that my fascination with Lincoln, which started as a child, got to the point where after reading so much about him I thought there was a chance to tell a segment of his life to to moviegoers.”
“We been on the road for 18 hours... I need a bath, some chow... and then you and me sit down, and we talk about who dies,eh?”