#Winning Quotes #Trying Quotes #Littles Quotes
“We're waiting for a glance or a word, some acknowledgement that we are here.”
Source : Jeet Thayil (2012). “Narcopolis”, p.21, Faber & Faber
Source : Source: www.pbs.org
“If people knew the story of their lives, how many would then elect to live them?”
“You'll never see the hacienda. It doesn't exist. The hacienda must be built.”
Source : Guy Debord, Ivan Chtcheglov, Asger Jorn, Raoul Vaneigem, Mustapha Khayati (2014). “Situationism: A Compendium”, p.5, Bread and Circuses Publishing
“One of the hardest expressions of self-assertiveness is challenging your limiting beliefs.”
“I'm now on a journey to fulfill the wish, in my tiny capacity, of little African girls.”
Bruce Sterling
Ethan Zuckerman
Jane McGonigal
Game designer
Joel Garreau
Nick Bostrom
R. U. Sirius
Stewart Brand