#Lying Quotes #Home Quotes #People Quotes
“Trust me, there is no formula for most things that are not math.”
“Faith is not the absence of doubt; it is continuing to follow Jesus in the midst of doubt.”
Source : Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (1988). “Political and moral dimensions”, p.86, Transaction Publishers
Source : Robert Tisserand (1988). “Aromatherapy: To Heal and Tend the Body”, Lotus Press (WI)
Andrew Johnson
17th U.S. President
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd U.S. President
George Washington
1st U.S. President
John F. Kennedy
35th U.S. President
John Wilkes Booth
Mary Todd Lincoln
Former First Lady of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
26th U.S. President
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President