#Jobs Quotes #Giving Quotes #Comforting Quotes
“I've always loved to sing.”
“I hate Mother's Day. If anything, it's an affront to all women who think full-time moms have never worked a day in their lives. Which reminds me of a good joke: What do you call an angry feminist on Mother's Day? You don't.”
Source : Source: www.foxnews.com
“Where can one find a profounder desolation than in the poor child who has lost its mother?”
“Loyalty is very important when things get a little tough, as they often do when the challenge is great. Loyalty is a powerful force in producing one's individual best and more so in producing a team's best.”
“God does not create poverty; we do, because we do not share.”
“I'm fearful and anxious for my family in ways that I've never been fearful or anxious for myself. I'm completely vulnerable to their pain, both physical and emotional. It's wild. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.”
“We cannot describe sound, but we cannot forget it either.”
“I design for real people. I think of our customers all the time. There is no virtue whatsoever in creating clothing or accessories that are not practical.”
Jacques Verges Lawyer
Jean Moulin
Klaus Barbie
Stephane Hessel Writer