#Goal Quotes #Progress Quotes #Plot Quotes
“True religion... is giving and finding one's happiness by bringing happiness into the lives of others.”
“Judgmentalism assumes that you have the right to change someone else. Well, you don't. You only have the right to choose how you will change and behave. Trust others to make their own choices. Put the accountability for another's actions where it belongs, on the other person's shoulders.”
“You have to be careful not to let your fear stop you doing things. It's very exciting to test yourself.”
“I'm personally a nonbeliever, so I'm struggling with if we really need religion.”
“You will find yourself among people. There is no help for this nor should you want it otherwise. The passages where no one waits are dark and hard to navigate. The wet walls touch your shoulders on each side. When the trees were there I cared that they were there. And now they are gone, does it matter? The passages where no one waits go on and give no promise of an end. You will find yourself among people, Faces, clothing, teeth and hair and words, and many words When there was life, I said that life was wrong. What do I say now? You understand?”
“The secrecy thing has gotten to be more and more prevalent in films, and maybe that's good. It's nice to go see a film and not know anything about it. Sometimes I feel like we know too much about films.”
“I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture.”
“The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first.”
Arlene Blum Mountaineer
Bruce Parry Author
Louise Burfitt-Dons Activist