Source : "Society's signposts / Natalie Jeremijenko's trees aren't simply decorative -- they can be read like a social register." by Zahid Sardar, October 23, 2004.
#Florida Quotes #Environmental Quotes #Hurricanes Quotes
“So I'm very grateful for everything that has happened in my life.”
Source : "'De l'Art de persuader' ('On the Art of Persuasion')". Book by Blaise Pascal, 1658.
“There is no sense in the struggle, but there is no choice but to struggle.”
“We care about how many players you develop rather than how many trophies you win.”
Alan Kay
Computer Scientist
Bill Buxton
John Maeda
Graphic Designer
Mark Weiser
Computer Scientist
Naoto Fukasawa
Industrial designer
Paola Antonelli
Rirkrit Tiravanija
William Daniel Phillips