#Glowing Quotes #Generations Quotes
Source : "No twinkle toes, no imagination as England dance to wrong tune" by Paul Weaver, www.theguardian.com. October 24, 2007.
“The Ryan plan isn't a budget. It's the last will and testament of the Republican party.”
“For the ocean is big and my boat is small. Find the courage.”
“Dogs are very different from cats in that they can be images of human virtue. They are like us.”
Bob Kerrey
Former Governor of Nebraska
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
James Baker
Former White House Chief of Staff
Jamie Gorelick
Jane Harman
Former U.S. Representative
Richard Ben-Veniste
Richard Lugar
Former member of the United States Senate
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
Warren Rudman