Source : "Did Rep. Paul Broun Flub 'Who is going to shoot Obama?' query?". Statement, February 25, 2011.
#President Quotes #Use Quotes #Violence Quotes
Source : Thomas Brooks (1860). “Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks: Being a Collection of Sentences, Illustrations, and Quaint Sayings, from the Works of that Renowned Puritan, Thomas Brooks”, p.76
“Though I am fascinated by knowledge, I am even more fascinated by wisdom.”
“When they see us dance. When they see how you look at me. When they see how I smile at you.”
“I have what I call A-list moments, but believe me, I'm still on the D-list.”
Source : Interview with Rachel Deahl, September 10, 2009.
Jack Kingston
U.S. Representative
Jim DeMint
Former United States Senator
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator
Karen Handel
Former Secretary of State of Georgia
Lynn Westmoreland
U.S. Representative
Nathan Deal
Governor of Georgia
Phil Gingrey
Former U.S. Representative
Saxby Chambliss
United States Senator
Sonny Perdue
Former Governor of Georgia